Golf Swing Mechanics Do we all need to Swing Like a Pro

By: B matheson

Most weekend players will tell you that golf is very enjoyable but extremely difficult to play, and play well. I don't think there is any game on the planet where as many people are out trying to sell the silver bullet to improve your skill level and score as there is in the game of golf.

Of course many of these swing aids do work, and will help improve your game, but the fact remains do we really need to be able to swing like a PGA pro to enjoy the game of golf?

The realities of the Golf Swing

We've all heard people telling us to keep our heads down, don't hunch over, bend your knees. There are literally 101 items that your golfing buddies might tell you you're doing wrong during the course of a round of golf. The fact is that there is only one key requirement in order for you to make that ball go straight. You must bring the face of the club back square when impact occurs.

Now do all those other items matter such as keeping your head down? Yes they do, because if you lift your head your entire mechanics is thrown off and you will most likely top the ball or send it off in the wrong direction. So this begs the question what does it take to have a half decent golf swing?

The 5 Points to Drive it Straight

Here are five points to help you improve your swing and hit it straighter.

Head: Keeping the head down is probably the most common talked about swing tip. How ever it can be misleading. You don't actually want to have your head turned down so far that your face is parallel to the ground. You want to ensure your eyes are on the ball, but your head is slightly tilted forward and your chin is still high enough to allow your shoulders to swing through.

Arms: This can be a difficult point for those that play others sports such as hockey or base ball. When you're bringing the club back for your back swing you want to try and keep your front arm as straight as possible. This ensures that the club is going to return on the same plane as it went back, increasing the chance that the club face will hit the ball square.

Knees: It's important to have your knees slightly bent when addressing the ball. Not so much that you feel like your going to sit down, but enough so there is a slight flex.

Back: Many people curve their back and hunch over the ball, this is very poor technique if you're looking to get the most power out of your swing. You should stand up straight when approaching the ball, then bend at the hips forward, and continue to keep your back straight. This will give you an axis to turn and twist on during the swing.

Hips: This is the final movement you should make in your swing. You will see the pros if you watch them play always finish with their belt buckle pointing at their target. You can achieve this and increase the power in your swing by twisting at the hips, and turning your front hip backwards.

Is this all you need to know to run out and become a scratch golfer? Afraid not, this is the basics in order to develop a consistent full swing for your woods, and long irons. How ever there is still the short game, and putting to master to really drop the strokes from your score. If you're looking for a sure fire way to help improve your game then take a moment to visit our site at the link below to receive more golf swing tips.

To learn more about how you can improve your golf game visit our golf swing website and sign up for our free golf swing tips newsletter.

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