First Date Questions - Learn How To Start On The Right Foot

By: Alphonso Sirtle...

When you are going on the first dates with someone, your changes for developing this into a future relationship can be increased if you know how to start well. And starting well depends on the questions you ask the girl on these first dates. If you are interested in finding out which are the best questions to ask on first dates, you will find this article of great use. Choose the right words, ask the right questions and the girl will be yours sooner than you thing.

But, first, remember the first rule and the most important one: stay away from boring questions, it will kill the relationship before it starts.

When you are talking to your date girl, your intentions must be focused on creating attraction between you two. It does not work that way of you only stick to asking boring questions. A date is not an interview where one is bombed with questions until she gets tired and bored with you and your behavior. Try to make the conversation fun and enjoy it, if you think about it as a test, this will not do you any good. So here are some ideas about what you should talk with the girl on the first dates.

You must make the girl believe that you are really interested in what she is thinking about all kinds of things. So a good start is to ask her what would she do in a certain situation. This way, you will show her that conversation has a role of knowing each other and not just a way for fishing for information. On the other hand, you will appear in her eyes as a person that has certain aspirations, interests, hobbies, simply put, that you are an interesting and fun individual.

Do not monopolize the conversation talking about yourself. Instead, make her involved in conversation by asking about her dreams and her plans about the future. This way, the girl will feel at ease and she will feel great seeing you interested about such particular things about her. You will also be able to create a real connection and trust, which is very important in a relationship.

Anybody has a hobby or a passion for something. Try to find out hers and the conversation will run smoothly. While she talks about these things that she loves, she will open up to you and you will find great ways to make a connection. Do not criticize, by any means! Talking about her interests and hobbies means that you must have a positive attitude about this and not the other way around. It is also a good method to find what things you two have in common.

Do not hesitate to talk about sex, even from the first dates. You must not brag about your performances or your conquests, nothing like that, because such conversation will rather put her off. But talk about sex in a funny way, but describing little stories that happened to different persons. She will open up when she sees that you are not aggressive and you do not request something from her. In the same time, she will begin to show interest in you and not just as a friend or a pleasant companion, but as a potential sex partner, too.

If you manage to master these simple rules, you will have great chances of developing the first dates into a relationship.

Alphonso Sirtle is the Editor and Publisher of Article Click. For more FREE articles for your ezine and websites visit -

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