Uploading movies to your PSP

By: qcmat87

A lot of people know that they can watch watch their favorite movies on the run with their PSPs but most people don’t know how to upload their videos on it. Don't worry, it takes just a couple simple steps to do so. With your PSP, you can add and remove your videos or movies whenever you like and it's one of the most simplest things to do when you know how. The first thing you need when putting your dvd or vhs movies on your console's memory is a computer with an Internet connection and your obviously the target PSP. In most cases, the movie will want to upload do the PSP will not be compatible with your console. To make your videos PSP compatible, you’ll need a piece of software to convert the downloaded/converted movies into a file format that your PSP can actually play. This will be the first thing you will need to do in order to upload your DVD/downloaded/VHS movies to the PSP's memory; getting some video conversion software. Do a simple google search, this software is easy to find on the on software websites. You can easily find some free alternatives to the paid software and they are pretty much all easy and straightforward to use. Find some software that you like and that’s easy to use. You can try different software and test the quality of the video. Some of them ruins videos that could have been much better while staying at the same file size. Once you have a good application to convert videos, skip to the next step.. Most updated software will give you the choice of PSP as a video format. If not, find one that does it, most do. Once you converted the videos, simply plug your PSP to your PC and transfer the new video files to it's memory. Open your PSP and test the movie. Some software will degrade the quality too much so don't be afraid to experiment. It only takes a few minutes to convert and upload downloaded / dvd / vhs movies to PSP. You’ll find lots of different software packages you can try on the Internet. Some expire after a certain time, some are free altogether. You always wondered why your downloaded movies didn't work on your PSP and it was advertised you could?, now you know. All it takes is a great movie, your PSP, and a good video converting application. Then, you’ll be watching all the movies you want wherever you want. This is the only way you can watch all the video formats on your sony PSP.

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