Ways to Appear Cooler

By: Eden Katz

Many of us do not know what it was like to be one of the cool kids in school, and many of us spend our whole lives trying to achieve the popularity we did not have back in school. To do this they will spend all their money on material possessions to try to become more popular, instead of just being themselves.

Bikes and Hot Rods: The first thing people do to try to improve their image is to buy a sports car, a sport bike or a Harley Davidson, because some people see these things as status symbols, and someone who can afford that kind of status must be cool.

Clothes, many people like to spend lots of money on the latest fashions to help them improve their image, thinking that people will find them interesting because they know what the hot new things to wear are.

Music, many people will listen to MTV to listen t the new big hits, again thinking that by knowing what is new and popular will make you appear cool to others.

Gambling, many people fell that gambling makes them appear cool, and with the rise in pokers popularity on television the illusion that gambling makes you seem cool is also growing. But be careful some forms of gambling like poker, roulette, blackjack and craps can make you seem cool some games in the casinos can make you appear less cool. No one is going to think you cool for playing the slot machines, bingo or keno, unless you hit a large jackpot.

Jewelry, also known as Bling is often used as a status symbol and the general rule has become the bigger, more expensive and uglier the jewelry is the cooler the wearer has to be. This has led to some people going out wearing thousands of dollars r the ugliest looking pieces.

Physical Fitness: in recent years many people have decided that if you want to look cool you have to belong to a gym, the people in the gym that are there just to look cool are always easy to spot. They are usually found sitting at the juice bar or in the hot tub. If they do ever actually do any type of workout it is usually ridding a bike for 5 minutes and before they even break a sweat they have to stop.

In reality cool is not about what you listen to, wear, ride or play. It is about who you are as a person. Usually if you talk to someone who is considered cool, they are not trying to be cool; they just do things that appeal to you, and the more you try to show these people how cool you are the less likely they are to find you cool or to want to be around you.

People who are cool if asked do not care about being cool they just want to be themselves, and if people think this is cool it is because most people are followers an they will cling onto a fad because everyone else is doing it, and historically people that were cool were leaders and not followers.

So if you are really looking to be cool then the best advice is to just be yourself. Some people will find you cool for living life on your own terms.

Eden Katz loves working for an Online Casino review site, spending her days playing online games like poker, roulette and Blackjack and reviewing them.

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