The Midlif Crisis

Midlife crisis can happen at any age. While going through this phase, many men feel as if their lives would be better if they were single, had better sex, were admired, had less responsibilities, were hanging out with the guys more or endured less nagging from their wives. They may feel depressed and unhappy as if something is terribly wrong.
Sometimes they may not be quite sure what is driving this uneasiness; but they seek to depart from their marriage to find out.
Other times, men may know what is causing their discomfort. It could range anywhere from I got married because I felt pressured or because she was pregnant or for the wrong reasons to Our sex life is not exciting or I need some one who appreciates me more. So they begin to dream of life on the other side of the fence.
For men in their fortys, midlife crisis may show up as excessive development of different habits such as working out, buying new clothes or a new sports car.
For younger men, even though they may not be experiencing a receding hair line or expanding waistline, they try to free themselves from feelings of distress and anxiousness by leaving the marriage.
Instead of facing up to whats going on in their marriage and resolve to fixing it, they try to free themselves from the depression by moving on.
In the meantime, the wives try their endeavor to convince the husbands not to leave. They may try counseling, having friends talk to them, giving them books to read, showing them photos of happier days or talking to their parents. But this all seem to push them further away.

About the Author:
Rochelle Forbes is a Marriage and Relationship Counselor. She lives in Orlando Fl. and posts articles on her blog. You can have FREE access to her newsletters which contain great tips and ideas for married couples by typing in your first name and email address at the website listed below:

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