River rafting on adventure tour: Guide and tips

By: Steve Manik

River rafting can be really adventures especially if you choose a place that’s popular, beautiful and provides you challenges in this sport.

Here is a list of some of the most exciting places for river rafting in India:

a) Ladakh:
One of the most popular rafting sites for river rafting in India is Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir. The rafting trip can be easily started off from the options on the Indus River and most of its major tributaries. You can enjoy some of the professionally guided runs in white water on the Indus amidst Spituk and Saspol. However, if you want to go beyond Saspol, you would face difficulty. You should take professional help if you are keen to go beyond Saspol.
b) White Water River rafting on Zanskar River:
This is the most challenging and exciting rafting option. However, it is best suited for well planned expeditions. You should prepare for it several days ahead.
c) Ganges:
This rafting experience would be full of amazement and thrill for you. The river has about twelve rapids spread over 36kms long and most of which can be negotiated easily.
d) Himachal Pradesh:
You would simply love to get expedition chances amidst rivers Shamshi and Aut on the Beas. The white water rapids are spread over the 20km stretch.
e) Teesta River:
The River of Sikkim has been considered to be the most exciting and challenging one for rafters. It lets you enjoy white water rapids with varied intensities at regular intervals.

Tips for a better river rafting experience:
a) Reservations:
You may find white water rafting sites with walk-ins but it would be really better to make advance reservations to avoid rush during peak season. Decide on the kind of challenges you would like to take and then book reservations online.
b) Extra time:
Don’t visit on the time appointed for rafting. It would be wise to reach the area before the actual allotted time especially if the area is new to you.
c) Meal:
Focus on having a light meal before you go for your expedition.
d) Clothes:
You should expect to get wet during the sport. The best thing to wear would be a bathing suit under surfing shorts for women and swim trunks and a t-shirt for men.
e) Take or not to take:
Make sure that you have a set of clean dry clothes and flip-flops for feet to change after the expedition. A waterproof disposable camera is a must. Don’t ever take valuable items, sunglasses or your car keys with you.

apindia.net we are specialized Adventure Tour Operator In India. Visit our site for complete details about adventure tours, Tracking, rafting in India. Steve Manik: I am freelance writer, I have written on many fields that are under the sun. I have passion to play with words. Accuracy, clarity and impact are the hallmarks of my work. I am not a “Shakespeare”, and don’t have ability to convert imagination and thoughts into words, If I have to define myself in a few words, I would say I am a copywriter, I have good command over research, expertise to explore extensively and ability to prove that. I can write on any subject, from beauty to intellect, food to travel, paradise to Hades, flowers to nuclear bombs, rainbow to Tsunami, pen to sword, Britney sphere to Halen Keller, Tumors to Health and fitness, celibacy to Seduction. You can also find some of my articles at: Freelance Seo Copywriter

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